How does one know the difference between hot and cold? We were all taught, educated, the truth, by our parents, loved ones, and educators; constantly and consistently the same message was reinforced through our childhood formative years. Without that knowledge and truth, how would we know the difference? Trial and error could lead to serious injury or even death.
So too must we educate, and be educated, ourselves, through out our lives, so we can recognize the truth. The evil and tyranny that besieges us today from the terrorists, progressives ,socialists ,communists, globalists, revisionists, modernists, would never take hold if we were, and are now, properly educated by our church, family and schools. God and the constitution would not be threatened now as they are, if we KNEW enough to see the TRUTH through the LIES.
How can many of us see what were losing, if we don't know what we have- God's Word of truth and the sacred liberties and principles in the constitution. When talking to many people I am alarmed beyond description how many are not outraged, in fact how many do not know enough to be outraged. All of us who were privileged to receive the proper education, and further seek to know more of the truth, must spread the word. Start at your dinner table, your family, your church, workplace, circle of social influence, your local board of education.
YOU must take charge. If not you, then who will? Educate yourself, and help in the education of others, before the LIES consume the beauty that is America.
Talk to you again soon, 912 Patriot